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While John McCain has remained noticeably out of the spotlight of the media for the majority of this election thus far, he certainly has now forced the Obama-obsessed media to allow room in the limelight for the Republican Party. With the selection of Vice Presidential nominees revealed recently, McCain has suddenly received much more attention from the media; whether this was or was not part of his intentions, it has certainly worked.
Republican Vice Presidential nominee, Sarah Palin, has now been thrust onto the political scene, exposing herself and her family for the entire nation to analyze and ultimately criticize. The media has grabbed hold of the knowledge of Palin’s pregnant seventeen year old daughter and had a field day with it. While the Republican Party is notoriously conservative, this aspect of the Vice Presidential nominee’s life does not directly align with the conservative way of life (why Palin’s daughters’ mistakes are such a huge obsession with the media is beyond me, but nonetheless it has become an issue within the nation’s characterization of Palin herself.)
What I find most interesting about McCain and the Republican Party’s choice of Vice President is not that she is a conservative with a pregnant seventeen year old daughter or the mere fact that she is a woman, but the irony that has emerged from the Republican Party’s “breath of fresh air” (as Fred Thompson put it in his speech at the Republican National Convention) that is Sarah Palin. The Republican Party and Obama bashers nationwide are very critical of Obama’s lack of experience, which they believe to be extremely detrimental in his run for President. Now, the Republican Party has nominated this new “breath of fresh air” who has only acted as a governor in the political arena, never even serving as a congressional member of any kind. While the Republican Party hammered in the point that Obama lacks years of experience in comparison to McCain, now they have chosen a woman with less congressional experience than the man they recently have been criticizing as “the most inexperienced presidential candidate,” according to Fred Thompson at the RNC. Why drive home inexperience against your competition if you’re going to give them a surefire way to drive it right back at you?
Ironic, don’t you think?


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