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The Telegraph, a London paper, had an article today online that is focused on Sarah Palin's change of plans to remain on the campaign trail. The article also says that she is such a draw to crowds she was urged, which would probably be better stated as told, to stay with McCain as he visits swing states. However, Toby Harnden the reporter who wrote the article seems to find it odd that she will not be giving interviews nor holding press conferences.

Give me a break. I'm not surprised. She's been the VP select for a week, she has only been governor of the great state of Alaska for 20 months, it's no wonder she isn't holding any press conferences or giving any impromptu interviews, she would fare better if McCain's campaign threw her into a lion's den.

Harnden goes on to note that she is the only candidate of the four who has read her speech from a teleprompter. Here's a clue for Toby, if she is reading her speeches (which by the way CNN had a 2 or 3 minute segment on how the transcript she read from had a few phoenetical spellings so as to avoid mistakes, you know, complicated words like nuclear were written out as new-clear) from a teleprompter they are by no means about to put her infront of the press corps for a press conference.

This kind of brings me back to what I was talking about earlier, is she ready? Could she actually do this job, not just her job, what if she has to step into the Oval Office, if heaven forbid something happened to McCain? None of these questions come to mind because she is a woman, but let's face it, if they are still so reluctant to let her loose on her own and reply candidly, did they make the right pick? It kind of makes me think that these next two months the McCain campaign and the Republican party are going to spend a vast amount of time grooming their show pony.

Someone should probably head to Albuquerque, New Mexico and remind the guy carrying the "I'm Voting for Palin And the Old Man, Too" sign that just because she is pretty and has done a fine job reading what was written for her, maybe he should do a little research before casting that ballot in November.


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