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Please, please tell me that someone else has gotten this text message...
It reads:
"Due to long lines today, all Obama voters are asked to vote on Wednesday. Thank you and please inform everyone."
I was shocked when a few of my friends received it last night and even more so when one of them informed me that the Republican Party of Virginia sent out nearly 30,000 fliers with the same message. I had trouble finding confirmation about the fliers, but have found out that it also comes in e-mail and myspace bulletin forms...
No matter who I would have voted for (did I mention that I'm still upset that I can't vote?), I still think its just plain tacky. Honestly, what if someone out there is really that naive and doesn't get to vote because they thought it was a serious message? So whoever started it, wow, get a life. Go vote for McCain already and leave the rest of the world at peace. Everyone deserves their chance to vote...


At November 4, 2008 at 5:01 PM Kenneth Ellis said...

Maybe if someone was dumb enough to believe the message, they shouldn't have been voting in the first place...



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