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I just read an article in Newsweek that really caught my attention. It's speculating about what a lot of people are starting to recognize as a possible rise in Liberal power after this election, which as of now, seems to be almost a done deal for Obama. If and when Obama reigns supreme, people seem to think that the Democratic party will remain on top for a good long while. Newsweek is claiming that not only are people rallying for Obama as our future President because of George's royal screwups, but more so because of an overall liberal shift in many former Republican's views and ideals. There seems to be a sort of open-mindedness coming into play that was not there before, a lot of which is probably coming from an increasing acceptance of homosexuality and other alternative lifestyles that have been looked down upon or judged more harshly in the past. Overall, I think that this is a great thing. .  .if only Obama was not the one running the show.


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