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As someone who has considered themselves a Republican up until this election, and am now trying to decide who I support, this week was very interesting. The first thing that made me question which candidate I'm going to vote for was the "lipstick on a pit-bull/pig" issue. 

Before hearing about the situation, I watched the McCain web video regarding it. Based on the video alone, any viewer would immediately assume Obama stooped so low as to insult Governor Palin's physical and mental capacities. Needless to say, I was shocked. I immediately turned on the news to see what the talking heads had to say...and I was shocked. The McCain campaign had taken Obama's comment completely and totally out of context. 
It soon became clear to me that Obama had no intention whatsoever of insulting Sarah Palin. I was incredibly disappointed in the McCain campaign. The plan they had to make Obama look terrible obviously backfired, because nearly everything I have read or heard on the issue sides with him. 
Note to the GOP: an obvious smear like this is NOT the way to win on-the-fence voters.  


At September 11, 2008 at 7:23 PM Kenneth Ellis said...

I agree that Obama's comments are completely unrelated to Palin and are in no way meant to be an attack. However, the thing that angers me more about this non-issue is that all three major cable news networks, Fox News, CNN, and MSNBC, were all covering the same story at the same time. Some where trying to make a connection between the two while others were not. However, the fact that this "story" even made it to air is just another indication of how low the media will stoop to drive ratings.


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