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Holbrooke does tend to lean to the left (as do I, but I tried to read this article as un-baised as possible). Republicans can at least agree that we need the world to see the US in a more positive light...if nearly 90% of the world believes Obama is the right man for the job, then doesn’t that say something HUGE? (USA Today and PEW Global Attitudes Poll). Holbrooke says, To restore the United States to its proper world leadership role, two areas of weakness must be repaired: the domestic economy and the United States' reputation in the world. Although the economy is usually treated as a domestic issue, reviving it is as important to the nation's long-term security as is keeping U.S. military strength unchallengeable. This will require more than a cyclical upturn; to repair the economy in the long term, a new national policy on energy and climate change will be essential. And restoring respect for American values and leadership is essential -- not because it is nice to be popular but because respect is a precondition for legitimate leadership and enduring influence.” This, to me, is what the election is all about. I know Obama can start repairing our nation in these two areas.

As for the VP nominations-good strategic moves on both parts, except I think the choice of Palin weakens a lot as soon as you do a little research on the woman. The McCain camp can toss out the “no experience” weapon and Obama can forget “Washington insider.” But for those who suggest Palin could sway Hilary supporters…are you kidding me? Palin doesn’t even support abortion in rape and incest cases unless the mother’s life is in danger, and she supports abstinence only education. Forget women’s rights if THIS woman is in office. It will be interesting to see how the pregnant daughter dilemma pans out. Props to Obama for telling the media to stay out of the Palin family’s business. I at first thought McCain was trying to cover and say he'd known about the pregnancy before choosing Palin, but then I realized it's all a ploy to get the religious right on their side by playing the anti-choice card.


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