Following the announcement that Palin would be McCain's running mate it has become obvious that the election has officially shifted its focus from race to gender (for now at least). It seems that because it is such a close race, both parties are currently fighting for the votes of the Clinton supporters. But my question is, were all of those people behind Hillary because she was a female? It was clearly imperative that Hillary Clinton show her support for Obama at the Democratic convention but in my opinion, Michelle Obama was the one who brought it all home. She showed intelligence, poise and control. On the republican side I feel that the most widely accepted speech came from Vice-Presidential candidate Sarah Palin. Although her speech was also powerful and well spoken, I can't help but notice all the personal stabs she took at Obama and his campaign. Many of her punch lines included things along the lines of change is not a destination anymore than hope is a strategy which is an obvious attack at Obama's slogan. Ok, I admit it looks good on students' facebook quotes and I'm sure it's only a matter of time before it's on a million bumper stickers across the country, but it's my understanding that both the democratic and republican conventions are a time to highlight all the things each party hopes to accomplish if elected, not to point out the oppositions short comings. That's what the debates are for. Regardless of what side you are on, it is nice to see this sudden increase in focus on these powerhouse females, no matter what the intentions.