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I’ve already brought up the issue of what I like to call “celebrity political play,” but honestly can’t celebs keep to their occupations as actors and teenie bop singers instead of poorly attempting to persuade the public to Obama by basically hurling insults at the McCain/Palin campaign, why not being aware of any of the facts.

The View host, Joy Behar, remarked on Larry King Live that Sarah Palin was setting women back a decade. Pamela Anderson was reported on as telling Palin she should could quote “suck it,” and Matt Damon was compelled to tell E News (Entertainment News) that Palin as vice president would be like “watching a really bad Disney movie.”
Neither of course had any factual information to back up their biting comments.

Okay deep breath. Joy Behar may be the Democrat equivalent to Elizabeth Hasselback, but she clearly doesn’t comprehend that “gasp” it’s a great step for women if Sarah Palin were to win the candidacy for vice president. Secondly, what business does two-time bit actress, Pamela Anderson, (who’s more known for her unpropotional breast implants than she is for her horrendous movies) have screaming her ill-informed opinion at the American public? And Matt Damon should probably go buy himself a Newsweek before he starts lashing out with his bad metaphors and slurry speech. I might add, what’s he been doing anyway? I believe Mr. Damon is enjoying a year long vacation.

Needless to say, the Presidential election is a national event that affects every citizen of the United States. Aka for all of Hollywood: this is a huge piece of the public relations pie that every celebrity should get a bite of. It’s a lot simpler and most will get more press if they have a bad, rather than good, portrayal of a candadite.

“It’s about putting government on the side of the people,” Palin said in her first major television interview.

I sincerely doubt that Hollywood is concerned with putting the government on the side of the American people. For that matter, most famous, and not so famous celebrities, have a tendency to be out of touch with the everyday person. So keep to the cheap gossip game and leave real politics to the pros.


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