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Bipartisan Cabinet, Eh McCain?

Between Barack Obama and John McCain, it seems as though McCain is the first to make a move on bringing the two parties together. 

That being said, you have to wonder if American citizens will really take McCain's pledge to heart. I, for one, feel like it's an admirable move on McCain's part to openly state that he would have Democrats on his Cabinet. You can't fault the guy for trying.

Maybe it will make a difference come election time, or maybe it won't. But America needs to realize that the McCain camp is giving a concerted effort to bringing Republicans and Democrats together. 

For better, or worse.


At September 7, 2008 at 6:22 PM Anonymous said...

Obama actually said a while back he'd be willing to have some Republicans in his cabinet (I can find a link to the article, if anyone's interested). Republican Chuck Hagel is widely considered a possible pick for his Secretary of Defense. If wouldn't be a first; Clinton had a Republican Secretary of Defense.

The McCain campaign is making a concerted effort to pander, if anything, like pretty much every other political move he's ever made. He knows how much his party has driven the sensible moderates and independents he needs away.


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