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So far, So good...

The Clintons have spoken, Biden and Michelle have contributed and the stage is set for Sen. Barack Obama. Whoever planned the DNC and advised the speakers has done a masterful job. Each important area has been addressed.  

Some have criticized Obama and Biden for not being able to relate to the middle class, but from the speeches we've heard over the past few nights, the Democrats have done a great job in addressing that concern. Michelle gave a pretty moving recounting of her and Barack's backgrounds. She did a great job in portraying herself and Barack as common Americans coming from middle-class families. 

The DNC has also done a great job in addressing the doubt that Hillary would support Obama. After her speech, President Clinton's speech and Hillary's early motion during the roll call to select Obama as the official Democratic candidate, all support now seems to have been successfully channeled to Obama. 

And of course, the DNC has wasted no time in setting up attacks on McCain. Each speaker has hit on the few notes that make all Democrats cringe, such as the particularly screeching tone of "four more years of the past eight." This chord always seems to rally up a good boo and hiss from the crowd.

The beginning of the tipping point for the convention was right after Biden's wife, Jill, joined him on stage. Emotion was already pretty high in the Pepsi Center when the Bidens announced there was to be an unexpected guest, and Barack Obama walked onto the stage. The crowd erupted.

So now, the stage is set and ready for Obama to make his own speech. He has had a great intro, now he just needs to follow up. A strong finish would be for Obama to finish uniting the Democratic party by building upon the image his wife Michelle has established, drawing upon the support the Clintons have already given and mentioning those few discordant notes on McCain that the Democrats all rally against, using his own charisma and finally and most importantly, addressing one of the biggest criticisms Obama has faced: fill in some of the details in his plan for change and hope.

The DNC has gone as well as planned, Obama just needs to finish it off. I hope to see Obama handle all the enthusiasm in the Pepsi Center by feeding on it and giving it a few more bits to chew on.


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