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I just read a really interesting article in Newsweek about John McCain's relationship with his father and how that has shaped who he has become today and the way in which he would like to lead our nation. From what I gather, McCain's father, who was an Admiral, was a very powerful and influential member of the navy. However, as much as he was respected and admired for his leadership abilities, he also had a major drinking problem. It's very interesting to see how having a father that brought up such conflicting emotions has affected McCain's personal views. One of the main things that originally caused me to have an initial dislike towards McCain was his famously saying that he didn't care if we stayed in Iraq for another 100 years. That really upset me, as I am very against the war and all the, in my opinion, needless violence that comes as a result. However, knowing that he grew up in that sort of atmosphere at least assures me that he is not completely ignorant to the hardships that war can bring upon a family personally. My vote just might change after all.


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