It seems as if New Orleans and the Mississippi Gulf Coast can't seem to catch a break. On the eve of hurricane Gustav making landfall, the Republican party is gearing up for one of the most historical conventions of all time. How will Gustav affect the convention? Well, it already has. Both President Bush and Vice President Cheney have already backed out, and numerous Governors, including California Governor Arnold Schwarzenneger, have backed out as well. With the number one priority of McCain being the well being of those on the coast and in New Orleans, most convention events have either been postponed or they are only doing the necessary events to follow protocol. Not only does Gustav put pressure on the McCain camp to make the right decisions on how to deal with the convention and the hurricane, but Democrats must make crucial decisions as well. I think most Democrats have empathy for the Republicans, but in times like this, we as Americans must do what McCain said and unite as Americans and not by our political affiliations.