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One of the great aspects to this election being over soon is that I want have to hear anymore about stereotypes. McCain and Palin started it and Fox News nurtured the monsters of Joe the Plumber, the Hockey Mom and the rest of the gang.

To be honest these efforts to reduce people to one adjective and/or nouns is inconceivable to the people who actually live those lives. It has been quite embarrassing as it has intensified over the past few weeks.

The biggest of these was Joe the Plumber who was actually referanced to a man in real life named SAmuel J. "Joe" Wurzelbacker. In the end it turned out he wasn't a real plumber at all and after complaining about taxes it seems as though he had a little problem even paying his own income taxes. He wasn't neccesarily just a man from Ohio. He also made very strong fighting words about Obama being a socialist. And for some reason McCain took him around for campaigning purposes... Bad move.

As for the Hockey Mom; that's pretty much Palin referancing herself as a part of that swing vote demographic of moms that spend most of their time transporting their kids to soccer, hockey, piano lessons and what ever else you name it. touche Ms. Palin!

I am just glad these lame metaphorical symbols of the people of America will be done and over with soon. I really am tired of hearing about the Hockey Mom, Joe the Plumber, Bob the Builder, Joe Scho, Joe Cool, Joe Six-Pack, BK Joe, Dora the Explorer and Thomas the Train Engine.


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