Site Network: Debate This, Ole Miss. | the j-department | | mblog | mcast | the university of mississippi

I was on the Square tonight watching the election returns and stepped outside to make a phone call when I was able to experience people running down the street screaming expletives in response to the election results. Is this necessary? These adults had just disembarked from a bus from the campus onto the Square and heard the news of Obama's victory and decided this was the best way to express their opinion. I am a huge believer in free speech, but I do not feel that expletives and racial slurs and other four letter words fall under any kind of protection. Find a way to intelligently express your disappointment ladies and gentlemen. "The pen is mightier than the sword," Mark Twain said, but he didn't say "The f-ing pen is mightier than the g.d. sword."


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