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Obama TV

So in the end, 33.5 million people watched the 30 minute "Obama-drama" last week during prime time. The infomercial was aired on seven networks including: CBS, NBC, Fox, Univision, MSNBC, BET and TV One. The show, estimated to have cost more than $4 million, marked the first time a presidential candidate used an infomercial to press his candidacy since Ross Perot in 1992.

To be frank, it was a very moving commercial; Romanticized yes, but idealistic and surreal. And for some strange reason, Americans love amber waves of grain across a television screen. The infomercial does not just focus his goals but gives the story of Americans he met along his campaign trail and how his plans will help benefit them.

A key subliminal scene was when you would see Obama in the office. Notice that office seems to resemble that of... an Oval Office! By doing this, Obama was able to give Americans the ideal of comfort in seeing him in such a position.

Still there was a very humorous aspect to it as well.

And I couldn't help but get hysterical when McCain retaliated saying that Obama's ad was paid for by broken promises. If McCain had the funds, he knows he would have done it too.

Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if the Obama informercial came out on DVD with an Extended Directors Cut and Bonus Features including deleted scenes, a gag reel and the Official Obama Soundtrack.

But in the end, such a bold move may have been exactly what Obama needed for a final push on undecided voters. We'll see.


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