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Give me a Break

Ever since The Daily Mississippian released its endorsement of a presidential candidate, there have been no end to discussion and comments. I completely recognize that everyone has the right to disagree with The DM's endorsement and voice their reasons why. However, some comments are absolutely ridiculous. It seems that some have equated endorsing John McCain with endorsing racism, and have equated anyone who supports McCain to be an idiot. 

One comment reads, "I was thirteen and in Philadelphia the summer that the three young civil rights workers - college kids the age of Ole Miss students - were taken into the Neshoba County darkness and murdered. I was four when one of my father's students found Emmett Till's body in the Tallahatchie River. I was 21 when I left Mississippi and brushed the dust from my shoes. Thank you for reminding me why I did so."

Obama does appear to have the majority of supporters currently, but I'm afraid that people, especially those commenting on The DMonline, are forgetting that McCain has supporters as well. Not everyone thinks Obama is the clear choice for Nov. 4.

So all this criticism for The DM, all these claims on The DM's endorsement reinforcing racist stereotypes, I think, is a bit ridiculous. 


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