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Are you kidding me?

I had heard in the news something about Sarah Palin getting prank called, but I never heard the tape until I looked it up on YouTube just now. It's six minutes long, but it is worth watching. It's pretty funny but then all of a sudden you start to think to yourself, "Are you kidding me?" This lady could potentially be the vice president and even president in the event of a tragedy.

Furthermore, the prankster was a radio station in Canada. Other countries are laughing about the GOP's vice presidential candidate. Now I am no expert, but I'm pretty sure that is not a good thing for the nation if we want to adequately maintain foreign relations. We already have a pretty bruised international reputation because of the last eight years.

If you haven't voted just yet...forget what your mom and dad told you, forget what your friends are doing, look at this issues for yourself and vote for what YOU believe is best for the country as a whole.


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