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Sarah Palin appeared on Saturday Night Live last night and was well.... just kinda there. When I first heard she was going to be on the show I thought she would be more involved. I thought she would go after Tina Fey to try and get back at her for all she has done. But no, she was just kinda...there, in my opinion. I think it is funny that everyone in this presidential race is making appearances on all these TV shows. When Al Gore was running for President everyone thought he was like a robot. Then after he lost the election he went on late night talk shows and showed people he actually had a sense of humor. I think if he had shown that side of himself before the election he may have won. There is a fine line politicians must walk when they present themselves to the public. They must show they are serious enough to run a government but also personable enough to be trusted as an everyday person.


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