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Throughout the past few days I’ve seen quite a few articles about how Election Day is predicted to be a “nightmare.” Polls have already been packed throughout this week with early voters trying to beat the crowd. Every state offers the option of voting early and it’s predicted that one third of the electorate will have voted before November 4. Electronic problems have already been reported by the early voters, foreshadowing problems for the actual election day. With recent polls showing that McCain has closed in on Obama’s lead it seems that this election is sure to be a close finish. A tight race usually means a huge headache for those in charge of counting and organizing the ballots, as seen in the 2000 election.

Personally, I can’t wait for this election to be over. I’ve grown a little tired of hearing how McCain’s on the offense, Obama’s on the defense, how the race is getting tighter and how Sarah Palin is or is not ready to be in the White House as vice president. I’m tired of listening to politics being referred to as a sporting event and personal lives being thrown into the spot light. One of the top headlines today was that Palin and her husband are urging her pregnant, 18-year-old daughter Bristol to marry her child’s father and boyfriend. I’m sure Bristol is anxious for the election to be over so she can somewhat have her life back.


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