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I can't say that I'm a gamblin' man. I'm not a fortune teller and I don't even like to make predictions. I hate looking bad when my predictions are proven wrong and for this very reason, I refuse to make predictions about the presidential race. Lightning can strike at any time and you never know when a Swift Boat or ACORN story will affect the election.

However, it's time for me to overcome my fear of commitment. I'm ready to step out on a limb and proclaim from the mountain tops that this race is O-V-E-R! It's not that I want this race to be over, but it sure does seem that way. I hate blowouts in football. I am bored enough watching blowouts in soccer. Seeing the Cubs get swept...that's awesome...but still boring. Elections are no different. I would pay good money to see both campaigns duking it out on the issues but all we're left with is dirty politics.

Let's take a look at the current polling trends. First, I want you all to know that I am no fan of polls and some are as unreliable as a Mississippi weather forecast. However, the average national poll has Obama with about a seven point lead. According to, Gallup's latest poll has Obama at 50 points to McCain's 43 and this number is holding. More important than national averages is polling on the electoral college level. Go to, or any other polling website, and you will see what I am talking about. Obama has clear leads in important swing states like Ohio and Florida. Also, many of the "toss-up" states are leaning towards Obama.

Once again, I am no gambler. Therefore, I'm going to hedge my bets a little. ACORN seems to be the latest attack on the character of Obama and McCain is pushing hard to get this story in the media. This could wind up having an impact on the election. However, the American public is tired of the same old dirty politics. They blame the Republicans, correctly or not, for all the problems this country is facing. I think McCain would have a hard enough time fighting this trend. In addition, I believe this latest ACORN story is a last desperate attempt to regain lost ground and I think the public is seeing throught it. Will it be effective? I don't think so. I also don't know what will happen during or after the next debate. McCain will have to pull a rabbit out of know what I mean. He has been extremely disappointing to me lately and I hope that we'll see a few fireworks this time around.

I haven't covered everything that's been happening this week. I could go into one long story about the reaction to McCain's "that one" remark. All I know is that there has been little good news for McCain lately.

I'm going to say it one last time...I'm no gambler. But in this case I'll be taking bets. Who's got odds?

P.S. I can totally see this blog coming back to haunt me...


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