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The Real Issues

After weeks of media blitzes first highlighting Senator Obama and now highlighting Sarah Palin, it's refreshing to read an article in the Detroit Free Press ("Hot-button issues get little attention") that concentrates on the actual issues and the candidates' stances on these issues instead of what "lipstick on a pig" really in fact means.

It was very interesting to see some issues that both Senator Obama and Senator McCain agree on, such as embryonic stem cell research. Both senators support this research and would possibly revoke President Bush's present ban. Also, both senators support the Supreme Court ruling that allowed people of Washington, D.C. to bear their own arms, upholding the Second Amendment, and both senators would revoke law that allows individuals to sell and purchase arms without a license and background check.

Of course, it was good to see key differences in both candidates stances' on other issues, such as Roe v. Wade, affirmative action, legal marriage, and "don't ask, don't tell" policy in the U.S. military. Senator McCain generally opposes Roe v. Wade and has called this legislation "a mistake by the court." On the other hand, Senator Obama has promised to appoint judges to uphold this ruling. Senator Obama supports the Supreme Court's decision on affirmative action (that race/gender can be factors in the admission process) while Senator McCain declares "every individual must be treated equally under the law," and rejects"affirmative action plans giving weight to individuals over others." Senator McCain supports proposals to define marriage as the union of one man and one woman, while Senator Obama opposes these proposals. Finally, Senator Obama opposes the U.S. Military policy of "Don't ask, Don't tell" in which military members are required to not disclose their sexual orientation. Senator McCain supports this policy.

I hope as the debate nears that people would focus on the issues that will affect our country and our reputation in the long run. Whether we have a President who upholds Roe v. Wade, decreases our troops' in Iraq, or boosts our declining economy; this should be what matters most instead of who's the bigger celebrity, Barack Obama, Sarah Palin, or Paris Hilton.


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