McCain spokesman can't answer Brown's questions on Palin's experience
Posted by Taylor at 9/07/2008 03:16:00 PMWho is Sarah Palin?
Most assuredly by now Sarah Palin has become a household name, even though just one week ago the majority of Americans had no idea who she was. John McCain's Vice President select has left me asking myself a few questions about who exactly this woman is. Mostly I have been asking myself questions about her experience. Afterall the McCain camp has made "experience" one of the No. 1 issues of the campaign. One would hope that at 72 years old John McCain would be the candidate with the most experience, but I wonder what exactly qualified Sarah Palin to be selected to join a ticket so steeped in experience?
As I was cruising through Google news today I stumbled across an opinion column written by a woman in Michigan that led me to a transcript and video of an interview CNN's Campbell Brown had with McCain's campaign spokesman Tucker Bounds and in the interview Brown started to question Bounds about Palin's "foreign policy experience". Needless to say the interview got a little heated and at the end I still felt my questions had not been answered. Apparently the McCain camp felt that Brown and CNN had crossed a line and cancelled John McCain's appearance on Larry King Live because of it. I watched the interview and read the transcript and it didn't seem to me that any lines had been crossed.
Nothing says "we are not hiding anything, ask us whatever you like about our candidates" like getting your feelings hurt over an interview and cancelling a following appearance.