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There really are true journalists out there…well…sometimes. I had started thinking there are few if any true journalists working anymore; but Charlie Gibson, Katie Couric, Chris Matthews, Keith Oberman, Joy Behar, and others have proved to me there is.

Until lately, 2008 has been the worst year in journalism reporting. Print, radio, and television media have been grossly biased. After watching the Charlie Gibson interview with Governor Sarah Palin I’ve seen that he, and other journalists, do remember how to be a thorough journalist. Gibson, Couric, and others have suddenly remembered how to research the interviewee, be firm, ask meaningful questions, and not be mesmerized by the person they interview. Their journalistic skills have been brought to life not by the “chosen one”, Senator Barack Obama, but a hockey mom, Sarah Palin. The media is demanding Palin talk to the press and the media be able to ask tough questions.

When I finished watching Gibson’s entire interview with Palin I've never been so proud and yet so frustrated simultaneously. I was proud to see Palin’s command of the issues and confidence. Palin handle the interview marvelously. What is frustrating is how Gibson grilled Palin but yet has not felt the need to do the same for any other candidate running for office, currently or past candidates. Gibson seemed condescending and searching for ways to trap her in a corner at times. One of the several examples of a “gottcha” question, Gibson asked Palin “Do you agree with the Bush doctrine?” Before Palin opened her mouth I thought to myself what is the Bush doctrine? Maybe there is a Bush doctrine but I certainly don’t know what it is. After listening to many news reporters of both political spectrum and researching the internet I’ve found there is no Bush doctrine. There is nothing set in stone, so to speak, like the Monroe Doctrine. Even if there is a supposed “Bush Doctrine” even Democrats are arguing what the definition is. There were many, to say the least, frustrating moments of the interview but that is one major example.

Also the hosts of the view have, just recently, decided to play journalist. Their recent interview with Senator McCain and his wife Cindy McCain was equally, if not at times infuriating. Both Gibson and the hosts of the view, Barbara Walters particularly, asked McCain to be specific on how he and Paliln will reform our government and name specifics accomplishments of Palin. Again normally that would be plausible but why has Walters and others not demanded the same for Obama or Senator Joe Biden. Why have the same questions about experience and specific accomplishments not been raised of Obama and Biden?

I do not have a problem with some of the questions asked to McCain and Palin but I do have a problem with similar questions not being asked to Obama and Biden. Maybe before the media criticizes how politicians need to do their job they need to learn to do their job correctly.


At September 13, 2008 at 9:39 PM Anonymous said...

Yes, the press is particularly dodgey with the experience question for Obama. Papers like the New York Times, which I used to be an avid reader of, have taken to fabricating stories which are based on no factual information. Like printing the story about McCain's ADOPTED child being from an affair.


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