Is anyone ever really ready or qualified for the White House?
Posted by Kristen Robinson at 9/06/2008 11:12:00 PMWho knows if anyone is ever ready to be in the White House? Even McCain and Joe Biden with so much experience under their belts can't always be prepared to be in the White House and deal with many uncontrollabel situations. Yes, their experience will help them make more logical decisions based on history and trends that have emerged from the presidency. And yes, their experience may allow them to understand the economy, domestic and foreign policy and other issues better. But who is to judge if anyone is REALLY ready and competent enough for the White House?
Also, why is everyone so focused on the vice presidential candidates? I know that everyone is concerned with McCain's age. People are scared that he will pass away and Palin will have to take his place, but we all know that anyone of these candidates or any person can die at anytime. We can't control that, so why should we judge McCain like that? Biden could die just as easily as McCain--that is all is God's hands. My point here is that the media and public have all of their focus on Palin right now--tearing her down in any possible way. I know that she may not have as much experience in Washington, with the war in Iraq or with other foreign affairs, but there is also a lack of of experience on Obama's part. You would think that would make more of an impact since Obama is running for the President of the United States, and Palin is running for the Vice President, not the President.
I am just fed up with the media's coverage of the campaign and the candidates in general. There seems to be no tact in the way that it is done. Reporters are scrambling to report any juicy and entertaining news(if it even qualifies as news)about Palin. I wish they would focus more on uncovering in detail the issues that she supports, as well as what all of the other candidates are doing. I am ready for the Palin frenzy to blow over so we can get back to the real issues.
So who is to judge who is REALLY ready to be our next President and Vice President of the United States? It is each and every one of us--not the media! not the candidates themselves! And you most definitely should not make decisions based on the ads circulating. There is no regulation with these political advertisements, and these people will say anything to make their opponent look bad. I challenge each and everyone of you to research, research, and research as much as you can about these 4 people up for the 2 biggest positions in our nation. You be the judge to who is ready and who can do the most for you and your fellow American citizens for the next 4 years. Learn from the media. Listen to what they say, and then go find an opposing viewpoint to get a more objective look. But definitely don't let the media decide for you.